Turbulent structure of canopy flows using large-eddy simulation. $290,406
Large-eddy simulation of canopy and surface layer flow. $268,033
Large-eddy simulation of turbulent atmospheric flow within and above a forest. $223,210
(subcontract from MIT) TYPE 2: The Future of Ecosystems and Extremes: Using Diverse Environmental Data Sets in Support of Regional to Global Earth-Systems Models and Predictions. $1,008,965.00
Center of Excellence for Climate, Environment and Water Resource Assessments in California. $394,351
NASA (for Space Shuttle Endeavour Science Team) Turbulent exchange at vegetated surfaces and evaluations of estimates of canopy structure using SIR-C data. $661,000
Interactive effects of elevated CO2, drought, and high temperature on plant water use efficiency. $175,195
Monitoring Sensible Heats, CO2, and H2O at the Wind River Canopy Crane Site USDOE/WESTGEC/NIGEC. $234,541
Monitoring forest atmosphere exchange of CO2 and H2O at the Wind River canopy crane site in a Douglas fir forest. $309,567
Micrometeorological studies and long-term carbon and energy exchange at the Wind River Crane Research Facility. $379,293
Regional scale modeling and turbulence measurements of long-term carbon and energy exchange. $280,000
National Atmospheric Deposition Program. $42,100
Monitoring Forest Microclimate and Forest-atmosphere Exchange of CO2 and H2O at the Wind River Canopy Crane Site in a Douglas-fir Forest USDA Forest Service. $19,000
San Joaquin Valleywide air pollution study - CCOS turbulent measurements in Davis. $7,700
Patterns and processes of water and energy cycles across northern Australian landscapes: from point to region. $660,000 AUD
The influence of flood regimes, vegetative and geomorphic structures on the links between aquatic and terrestrial systems. $274,883
Predicting soil C storage in the Central Valley following the implementation of minimum tillage. $223,952
Simultaneous oxygen and carbon dioxide measurements to improve soil efflux estimates. $40,000
Pressure pumping effects on soil efflux measurements of CO2. $70,000
Challenges to gender and ethnic equity: Activities of faculty at the University of California in the post Proposition 209 era. $12,000